Epson Bath Salts

Epson Bath Salts 1kg

(1 customer review)


  • Numbs nerve endings to reduce pain
  • Can aid sleep
  • Draws out toxins from the body
  • A good way to get Magnesium into the body
SKU: product-01 Category: Tag:


  • Numbs nerve endings to reduce pain
  • Can aid sleep
  • Draws out toxins from the body
  • A good way to get Magnesium into the body

(Please do not use excessively if you have high blood pressure)

Use 2-4 cups of Epsom salts in a full bath. … Soak for approximately 20 minutes and to increase the effectiveness of the bath do not rinse off before getting out of the tub, just dry off with a towel and retire for the evening.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

1 review for Epson Bath Salts 1kg

  1. admin

    Great Product

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