I discovered Bowen Therapy after a back operation, and then a car accident in 2008. I was guided by my orthopaedic surgeon to try Bowen. To quote his words “I spend my whole time bent over a surgeon’s table, and Bowen enables me to do more before I get pain. I am not sure how it works- but it works!”
I will thank this man for his wise words forever …
Before Bowen took over my life I was always in catering management and laterally on the road selling food to National Food Service customers. My job was a catalyst for a very painful back!! After having received several successful treatments I started training in Bowen and I have never looked back. The results have been amazing and now I am now a full time practitioner running a full time busy clinic in Cookley. I adore my job!
I specialise in TMJ work (Tempo Mandibular Joint i.e. The Jaw), If the jaw is out of line there will be dysfunction somewhere in the body, as the spinal cerebral fluid flow is affected. I can prove this.. I had a prolapsed jaw causing my back pain. Now that my jaw has been corrected I no longer have back pain or migraines.
Probably approx. 95% of the clients that I have through the door have a jaw misalignment, through trauma, bruxing (teeth grinding) , or even dentistry work. Most people don’t even realise this. the jaw positioning can affect the vagus nerve which has many functions, including the control of inflammation, gut health, and indirectly mental heath.
My work has led me to help hundreds of people now over the years, including victims of war.
I am a member of Healing Hands Network.org http://www.healinghandsnetwork.org.uk. This is a British charity set up to help war veterans in this country, and the victims of war in Bosnia and Ukraine. I have been to Bosnia many times now to help the people carrying so much emotional and physical trauma. Many have lost limbs, have shrapnel wounds and PTSD. Its very special work, being a member of this charity has given me training in PTSD and mental health first aid. It’s very special to me.