Bowen Therapy is one of the most versatile and effective therapeutic treatments available today. It’s ability to re-align and balance the body means that it is effective for most conditions.
Our bodies are held in suspension by fascia and connective tissue . Trauma to your ankle could affect your shoulder and visa versa! Fascia has the property of hardening under stress and needs to be released to let the blood flow and carry nutrients etc to the joints.
A treatment consists of a series of gentle moves on skin or through light clothing, challenging the muscle to release the fascia and allow the blood and energy to flow.
The jaw alignment and atlas bone will be assessed, and corrected, if needed.
A session usually lasts up to one hour and frequently results in a deep sense of relaxation allowing the body to recharge and balance itself. Many clients say they feel energised after a treatment, and generally sleep better that night.
We hope to get results in three sessions, one is rarely enough, and sometimes more, (everyone is different).