NST Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is one of the most versatile and effective therapeutic treatments available today.  It’s ability to re-align and balance the body means that it is effective for most conditions.

Our bodies are held in suspension by fascia and connective tissue . Trauma to your ankle  could affect your shoulder and visa versa!  Fascia has the property of hardening under stress and needs to be released to let the blood flow and carry nutrients etc to the joints.


A treatment consists of a series of gentle moves on skin or through light clothing, challenging the muscle to release the fascia and allow the blood and energy to flow.

The jaw alignment and atlas bone will be assessed, and corrected, if needed.


A session usually lasts up to one hour and frequently results in a deep sense of relaxation allowing the body to recharge and balance itself. Many clients say they feel energised after a treatment, and generally sleep better that night.


We hope to get results in three sessions, one is rarely enough, and sometimes more, (everyone is different).

FAO about Bowen Therapy

What Can Bowen Therapy Help With?

NST BOWEN THERAPY may help with

Skeletal and muscular problems from lumbar to neck

Back problems

Respiratory problems

Frozen shoulder

Headaches (migraine,sinus problems)

Digestive problems



Bowel problems

Bladder problems


Ear Problems

Jaw problems (grinding of teeth, misalignment etc)

Foot problems

Knee and hip restrictions, misalignments

Pelvic tilt, leg length, hip imbalance

Menstrual and other female problems

Fluid retention

Poor mobility

Repetitive Strain Injury

Baby colic problems


Sports injuries


Ticks/neurological problems

How many session would I need?

We initially recommend at least 3 sessions to get the best out of the treatment, but sometimes more are needed. Most of my clients then come every few weeks for maintenance sessions to keep balanced and pain free.

What do I need to wear?

I need to be able to feel muscle through your clothing, so no jeans thanks! Teeshirt and shorts or leggings are perfect.

Is there parking near the clinic?

Yes, parking outside my house is available or on my drive in the daytime.

Is there a ground floor toilet? Do I need to tackle any stairs?

My Clinic and Waiting room are on the ground floor. There are a couple of small steps as you walk to my waiting room from the road. my toilet is downstairs and you can access it from an outside room so you don’t have to enter the house (COVID 19 PROTOCOL)

Can I exercise after a treatment ?

No exertion for a few days after a treatment. But a gentle walk is recommended to enhance the lymph to get flowing round the body and excrete toxins.

Why do I need to drink water after a treatment?

Most people are dehydrated when they arrive for their treatment. The therapy will use up water reserves from your body, and you could have a severe headache or flu like symptoms if you don’t drink water afterwards. i will advise you on how much water you should be drinking a day. Just being hydrated will make you feel better

My Clinic

Cookley, Worcestershire

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07900 398758

I can’t thank julie farmer enough ,ive only had 4 sessions and cant quite believe the difference.before my session I have been struggling for 2 1/2 years of lower back pain and sciatica in both legs.im under a consultant at the royal orhapedic hospital and possibly need surgery through to having 2 disc protrusion which is compressing nerves on both sides and disc degeneration in 4 disc.now my pain has gone from a 9/10 and needing tramadol every 4 hours to 3/10 and I haven’t taken tramadol in 3 days


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