
Please feel free to contact me with any question or to book a consultation.


(directly opposite the church gates)

If you prefer, telephone me.


Please leave me a voicemail, if I do not answer, as I maybe treating a client.

Phone: 07900 398758

Drop me a line

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    Frequently asked questions

    These are some of the question I get asked on a regular basis, please don’t hesitate to contact me if your question is covered below.

    Can I book home services ?

    this can be discussed, but I do prefer it if you come to me .There is a substantial extra charge for home visits due to the time it takes to get to the appointment.

    Is Bowen like a sports massage ?

    no, but I have helped many tight hamstrings and sports injuries in the past.

    How many session would I need ?

    BOWEN - we ask you to commit to at least 3 sessions 5 to 10 days apart to get the best out of the treatment, which is built up gradually, Too much Bowen in one session can result in clients feeling poorly.
    HOPI EAR CANDLING - sometimes one session is enough to clear the issue, sometimes you will need 2 or 3.
    SCAR WORK- a minimum of 3 weekly sessions are advised.

    What are the prices for treatment ?

    from £25.00; Reduced pricing is available for regular clients who have ``maintenance sessions``

    Feel free to contact me for any questions